Forestry in Republic of Macedonia is economic branch which in gross national product participates with 0.3 to 0.5 %, however if we give value to the generally useful functions, the contribution is considerably greater.
The natural conditions of R.M conditioned by location, climate, relief, geologic structure of terrain, hydrologic-hydrographic features and similar, enable existence and growth of great number of plant and animal species. Because of that, our country belongs to countries with rich biodiversity. A great number of plant and animal species are relics and endemic as well.
The flora representing the forests in R. M comprise 319 sorts of trees and bushes with more than 80 subtypes and varieties within 119 genes and 54 families, and 16% of total number of species are endemic or sub endemic on the Balkans. According to the previous explorations wood sorts of trees and bushes create 81 wood phytocenosis within 31 associations, 11 genes and 6 classes.
The public enterprise “Makedonski sumi” was established with decision of the Government on December.15.1997 and began to operate on July.1.1998 as legal successor of 30 economic forest entities which were managing with state forests.
Current conditions necessitate creation of effective system of multifunction managing with forests and development of modern forest industry with high standards.
One of the most perspective activities of the public enterprise Makedonski sumi is use of other forest products such as production and collection of medical and aromatic plants.
The other legal subjects and individuals can also get permission to collect other wood products such as fruits, and medicinal plants or their parts, flower, mushrooms, lichen, moss, seed ,resin and other forest fruits. The public enterprise Makedonski sumi, will give the permission, by means of concluded agreements for collection of other forest products to all legal subjects and individuals, who would like to collect forest products.